AG DAY--2023


My View for the Month: March 21, 2023 marks the 50th anniversary of NATIONAL AG DAY in America. This day was founded in 1973 by the Agriculture Council of America to create awareness of the impact of agriculture in our country. I often cover anniversaries and special occasions, so I thought this 50 year span of National Ag Day should be my VFB topic for the month. It is estimated that 22 million people are involved in agriculture related jobs in America. National Ag Day celebrates the work ethics of our local farmers and those who work in all agriculture related industries. In addition, this special day focuses on encouraging and educating consumers about making healthy choices.

The average farmer in the United States feeds 144 people. Yet there are thousands of food insecure people right here in Iowa and many millions of people around the world go to bed hungry every night. That makes me sad, but I try to focus on good and positive things. That is why I use every opportunity to pay tribute to our Iowa (and American ) farmers. These past 50 years there have been so many advancements in technology, seed, soil conservation and the list goes on and on. Our American farmers have shared their resources and knowledge to increase food production and distribution around the world. I am proud to pay tribute to American farmers on National Ag Day and the people associated with agriculture around the globe work together to end world hunger.

When you reap the harvest of your land, do not reap to the very edges of your field or gather the gleanings of your harvest. Leave them for the poor and the alien. I am the Lord your God..  (NIV) (Leviticus 23: 22).

Views of a Farm Boy--Dedicated to promote Iowa agriculture and Iowa values

Robert Vaughn--Urbandale, Iowa  EMAIL:

NATIONAL AG DAY--March 21, 2023