"This 1'z 4 me" Yes--this one is for me. I've had a lot of indoor stay-at-home time during these cold winter days, so I have spent a lot of time just looking at old pics in my archives. Some of these family photos were converted from 35mm slides to digital, some were scanned from old photos, and some are digital. Most of them were not dated and I put them together in no particular chronological order. As I said, "I did this one for me." Of course, I also did it for my family--but hey--we are all family--so I also did it for you!
But the steadfast love of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting on those who fear him, and his righteousness to children's children, to those who keep his covenant and remember to do his commandments. The Lord has established his throne in the heavens and his kingdom rules over all. (ESV) (Psalm 103: 17-19)
this 1'z 4 me
I have been thinking how I could close this with a story. Then I remembered--I am doing this page for me. Well, actually for me, my family and my friends. The pictures ARE the story!
Kids grow up! I am introducing the next phase of our lives with wedding pictures of our children.
Left: Darcy and Kerry Soule.
Right: Kris and Trent Vaughn.
Below: Our grandchildren: Taylor Soule--Iowa City, Iowa. Tara Soule--Phoenix, Arizona. Jordyn Soule--Cedar Falls, Iowa. Grace Vaughn--Pella, Iowa. Grant Vaughn--Dallas, Texas.
These pictures--like the ones above--were randomly selected and in no particular order.

Here is where the story begins. We were married at Chariton, Iowa on August 05, 1962.
Left: Here we are with Jeannine's parents and my mom and dad.

Hanging clothes on the backyard clothes line.
I'm glad the bison are on the other side of the fence.
Beware! The garbage can is on the other side of that fence.
First haircut. Dutch did this one for free.
Our home in Windsor Heights at 1211 68th. St.
A trip to the farm. Here we are--herding ducks.